Law Enforcement Liability Program

Law Enforcement Liability Program

From policy development to ongoing technical liability management assistance, ICRMT is dedicated to the highest level of legal and liability support services to law enforcement agencies and county jails. Our organization has been offering specialized management of public entity claims for over 20 years, and we currently manage well over 400 public entities in the state of Illinois.

By accessing our law enforcement services, clients receive both the workers’ compensation, property and casualty lines of business, and all liability lines of coverage for public entities. Our staff specializes in various public entity program businesses, including risk pools and unique SIR insurance structures. As a testament to our service standards, we maintain a 95% client retention rate.


Law Enforcement Service Highlights

Policy Development and Support Services

Risk and Liability Assessment Services

Risk and Case Management Consultation

Expert Witness Services

Incident Management Services

Technical Liability Assistance

Your Law Enforcement Liability Team

Ben Harmening
Ben Harmening
Ben has 20 years of law enforcement experience in corrections, patrol, investigations, and management. He is a graduate of the University of Illinois Police Training Institute Basic Correctional Officer program, finishing in the top 5 percent of his class, and the Law enforcement Officer program, finishing first in his class.

Ben began his law enforcement career in 2001 with the Menard County Sheriff’s Office as a Correctional Officer. In 2005 he was promoted to the position of Deputy Sheriff. During his time as a Deputy Sheriff, Ben conducted and led numerous investigations into a variety of felony crimes including homicide, illegal drugs, burglary, sex crimes, arson, and other crimes against persons and property. He has conducted joint investigations with numerous law enforcement agencies including, Illinois State Police, FBI, ATF, and US Marshals.

In 2017-2018 Ben served as the Acting Chief Deputy Sheriff, overseeing all Sheriff’s Office operations including dispatch, corrections, court security, patrol, and investigations.

Josh Blackwell
Josh Blackwell
Josh attended college at Southern Illinois University Carbondale where he majored in Aviation Management, minored in Aerospace Studies, and had a concentration in Aviation Flight. After receiving his Bachelor of Science, he led a successful career at the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office from May 2006 thru June 2021. During his time there, he held positions as a Telecommunicator, Deputy Sheriff, Inspector, Sergeant Deputy Sheriff, and ultimately was elected Sheriff in 2018, a position he held until his retirement from law enforcement. While at the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office, Josh received multiple awards for his work in D.U.I enforcement from the Illinois Department of Transportation as well as the Alliance Against Intoxicated Motorists. While working as an Inspector, Josh received an award from the Illinois M.E.G and Task Force Officer’s Association for a successful operation that led to the arrest of an individual supplying large amounts of cocaine in the area.

In 2013, Josh was one of seven Deputies in the State of Illinois to be nominated for the Illinois Sheriff’s Association Medal of Valor, the nomination stemming from his actions relating to a multi-county pursuit and arrest of two individuals wanted for Armed Robbery. While Josh was Sheriff, he conducted operational changes to the agency to increase efficiency and effectiveness. Josh led upgrades to numerous systems and equipment to coincide with the rapidly evolving law enforcement landscape. As Sheriff, he updated and created policy to reduce liability and ensure the actions taken were within compliance of Illinois law. Lastly, Josh served as Vice-Chairman of the Board of Director’s for MTU 13 during his time as Sheriff.

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